Friday, June 1, 2012

It's Been Awhile

I can't believe it's been over two months since I last posted! My lack of blogs lately has been because I keep forgetting, and because I didn't really know what to put without giving away our secret.

I think everyone who reads my blog now knows or has known for awhile that Daniel and I are expecting an addition to the family in December! We wanted to wait until we were at the end of the first trimester to post it on facebook in case anything happened. After our last ultrasound and a shopping trip with my mom and mother-in-law, I'm even more excited than I was before!

My last post was when we were still in Louisiana and so much has happened since then. First of all, my weight loss plans are put on hold until after the baby is born. My healthy eating plans are still in effect but it's been harder to do that since I've been pregnant. From 7 weeks to about 11 and a half weeks I wasn't eating much other than crackers and whatever sounded appetizing. I was eating some fruit still but not much else that was healthy. Now that I'm finally starting to feel better I need to start eating more fruits and veggies and exercising more.

Daniel and I moved into a new apartment that is right behind his work. Now that he's finished with the training program he has about a 3 minute commute to work lol. We also have two couple friends that live in the same complex (one right across the hall from us!) so it has been great to hang out with them so often. I jumped right into substitute teaching once we got back from Louisiana and I'm glad I did because it helped me get a job for next year! I'll be teaching 5th grade science at Schmalz Elementary. I've met the girls I'm going to be working with and they are amazing so I can't wait. I also get to work with Jennifer, a friend from Tech and one of my bridesmaids! She's the Science Instructional Coach so she'll be my "science angel" since I've never taught that before :)

We only signed a lease through the end of October which means we've started the hunt for a house! We have a wonderful realtor who is so nice and very informative. If anyone in the Houston area is looking for a realtor let me know and I'll give you her number. We were hoping to stay a little closer to the beltway but it looks like, if we want really good schools, we'll end up moving a little farther out west than we originally planned.

I'm so excited for what's coming up for Daniel and I! Our four year anniversary is in about a week, I'll be visiting Allyson right around when her baby is due (end of June) and then I'm going to Iowa to visit my grandma and see family during the Fourth of July week. I have another friend expecting her first baby in July too. I'm also planning a trip to Lubbock to see friends and to Dallas for Seminar for Mary Kay in late July/early August. School starts mid August, hopefully we'll be closing on a house soon after that. We have a wedding in October in Vermont; hopefully we'll be moved into a house or at least in the process of moving our stuff by then. In November we'll have Thanksgiving and John and Danielle's wedding. It's about two weeks before my due date so hopefully I'll be able to make it. Then we'll have a brand new baby as an early Christmas present in December!

I was starting to think that this pregnancy was going to take forever but now that I've listed out everything we'll have going on between now and when the baby is due I think it's going to go by way too fast! Pretty soon I'll start posting weekly updates with belly pics. I was hoping to do a chalkboard like this blogger but I don't have the place/patience to make one and they are pretty expensive to buy so I will figure something else out.

Well, I think I've rambled on long enough for one post. I hope everyone is doing well!!!


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