Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Baby Bumps!

I've finally started getting better at taking weekly photos to see the changes as Scuba grows. Here are the three I have so far.

 12 and a half weeks

 15 Weeks

16 Weeks

I can't wait to get even bigger so it's more obvious that I'm actually pregnant and don't just have a beer belly lol. I went to the dentist yesterday and I when I told the lady cleaning my teeth that I was 16 weeks she said "You already have a bump at 4 months?!" I didn't have a flat stomach to begin with and you know from my past posts that I was pretty self-conscious before but I actually don't feel that way right now. I'm happy with my belly, even if it's a little bigger than it's "supposed" to be.

We had our gender ultrasound yesterday but instead of having the technician tell us right away, we're going to have a Gender Reveal Party in July. I brought in a blue and pink blanket and had her wrap one in a box and a put the other in paper bag (stapled shut so we can't see inside). Then we'll open the box with friends and family present and be able to find out with them! I'm going out of town this afternoon for 2 weeks though so we will have to wait 3 weeks before we can have the party. Daniel is not happy that he won't be able to peek in the box for so long but I know he can do it. Plus I wrapped it really well so if he opens it I'll know. :)

Well, I have to finish packing and getting ready to leave for 2 weeks! I'm visiting Allyson for a week (hopefully she'll have her baby while I'm there!) and then on to Waterloo, Iowa to visit my grandma and see some of my family. Then when I get back hopefully we'll be closing on our house!

Yikes!!! but Yay!!!


  1. :) Your beautiful!- Kristen

  2. Janelle, you look great! You're supposed to pack on weight, it's better for the babe. Screw everyone else. - Katie J

  3. Janelle you look so happy and I'm happy for both of you.I wish you guys were closer so we could see you more.I love and miss you both !! Aunt Soni
    P.S. I say girl but hoping for boy lol
