OCD alert!!!
Ever since high school I've had some OCD tendencies (thanks Dad), but I like to think I've let some of the smaller stuff go recently. Most of my OCDness is really just me trying to be practical. Isn't it easier to carry binders and books that are stacked from biggest to smallest? Can't you walk more normally if your shoes are tied to the same level of tightness? Shouldn't both sides of your mouth get to enjoy the chocolatey goodness of m&ms or the tangy sweetness of skittles? Isn't it easier to find something to wear when your clothes are arranged by type and season? (but not color, those people are just weird). Don't things just look better when they're even? (or 7 because that number is awesome. Multiples of 5 are ok too).
One thing that has really been bothering me since we've been in Europe is the fact that hotels have quit using the fitted sheet and now just wrap a flat sheet around the mattress. Daniel and I have been staying in a lot of hotels lately so I've noticed several things the hotel industry could do to make their customers enjoy their stay more. Free wi-fi is a must nowadays, and I'm still shocked that some hotels don't have it, but that's another post. I want to know what happened to the fitted sheet?!?
The first time I saw hotels use a flat sheet wrapped around the mattress instead of a fitted sheet was actually quite awhile ago. Now almost every single hotel we go to has a flat sheet around the mattress and a duvet as the only covers. Am I mistaken or do most people still use a fitted sheet, flat sheet, and comforter/duvet? Sometimes people just want the sheet covering them, especially in hotels where it's harder to get the temperature just right. Also, whenever you move around to get comfortable, the sheet comes untucked all over the place, causing you to lay on wrinkles and ripples in the sheet, which is really annoying. I don't see how it saves that much time anyways. I actually had to remake the whole bed at the hotel we were staying at in Dublin because they did such a crappy job. There's no way anyone would have been able to sleep on that lumpy mess.
So, to be more practical (even if it takes a tiny bit more time), hotels should go back to using the fitted sheet. :)
End OCD Alert.
Oh wait, one more thing...
Oh yeah, look for the Dublin post later tonight or tomorrow.
I am with you all the way on this! If everyone had OCD the world would be a perfect place. No more closing doors behind people! Every car parked straight at the store! Every number would begin and end with 7. Yurts wouldn't be allowed because it is impossible to put furniture against the wall without wasting space behind them. Plus...how do you hang a flat picture on a curved wall? Think about it! I love you girl!